Oxfordshire’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2024-2030 offers a strong, unified vision for improved health and wellbeing and acts as the primary place strategy for health and wellbeing in Oxfordshire. FOP members were involved in the development of the strategy, from representation on the Task & Finish group to contributing to development of the strategy through a workshop held in September 2023 and through assisting in drafting content of the final strategy. This close partnership working is at the heart of the strategy ensuring it is a strategy developed by and for delivery by the whole system.
The Health and Wellbeing Strategy focuses on wellbeing in its broadest sense, moving beyond a clinical or service-oriented view, towards a community-oriented view. The strategy therefore reflects the building blocks of health, e.g., deprivation, housing, employment, which significantly influence health and wellbeing—and are drivers of increasing need for services. Ensuring these building blocks of health are in place in Oxfordshire is a fundamental role of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Key Outputs/Resources
An associated delivery plan and outcomes framework was published in March 2024; further information is available here.